Interactive & Visual - Honours

Any Start is a Good Start

Any Start is a Good Start is a coffee table book aimed at increasing awareness of ethical and sustainable shopping.


Created for consumers to feel confident in making ethical and sustainable fashion choices, creating a safe space to learn, discover, and educate each other. Designed by a creative who felt overwhelmed and unsure where to begin her own mindful fashion journey, she created this guide to find the easiest way to start and where she could make the most impact.

Introducing powerful messages of ethical fashion in a friendly manner, this guide provides you with the tools and resources to create change with the core idea that any start is a good start. This guide explains the meaning behind responsible shopping along with interviewing the most mindful brands in the Australian industry. These interviews provide much-needed information to aid in conscious individual fashion choices – creating a list of brands to shop and explore.

Discover the Ebook of Any Start is a Good Start here

discover @anystartisagoodstart on instagram

Elisabeth Fatseas

Elisabeth is a creative designer interested in producing meaningful designs. Using her creative abilities to encourage more conversations surrounding current issues within our society. Her approach to design is informed by minimalism, hand-crafted and balanced visuals. She specialises in print and visual identity.