Interactive & Visual - Honours

Save Yourself

trophy Awarded

Save Yourself aims to educate young audiences about nutrition as a form of chronic disease prevention. This is achieved through an illustrative guide that intrinsically motivates audiences to change their behaviour by engaging them with bold and playful design elements.


Project Context

Chronic disease is the leading cause of illness, disability and death. However, their prevalence is avoidable through prevention initiatives that promote behavioural change and influence positive attitudes and habits. Unfortunately these initiatives lack audience engagement and memory retention resulting from confusing, text-based and static designs. Therefore, Georgie questions, how can information design and data visualisation principles enhance current health education initiatives?

To access the full guide content, follow the link below.

Guide PDF

To see Instagram account, follow the link below.

Save Yourself Instagram

Georgina Conlan

Personal growth and experiences have expanded my understanding of designs importance and ability to transform current systems, reinforce human empathy and influence cultural change. I am interested in design for purpose in fields such as education, health, public awareness, information design and data visualisation. I wish to create a design movement for people to respect their health and wellbeing and form sustainable nutritional behaviours through mission-driven branded projects, concepts and identities. While I am passionate about educating, motivating and probing audiences, I want my designs to remain unique, interactive and exciting. My positive approach steams from my effervescent, approachable and authentic personality where I lean towards colourful, illustrative and bold designs which typically attract a youthful audience.